how to partition a hard drive

Raw hard drives should be partitioned and formatted to use. When you use a hard disk partitioning software, you may be confused about some concepts such as primary partition, extended partition, logical disk. All partition managers assume you know well about these concepts before partitioning a hard drive. This is unfair to most users because all they want to do is partitioning the hard drive into several sub-parts(volumes) which have no difference among them except the size. Moreover, most partition tools follow the following steps to create partitions: select the “create new partition” option, specify the size, type(primary partition, extended partition, etc) of the partition (some partitioning software even ask you to specify the start/stop cylinder of the partition. Cylinder? Do you know what on earth it is?), then click “ok” to create a partition. Then follow the same step to create another partition. This is not what we do things usually. The most efficient way to do things conforms to a top-down strategy. As to hard disk partitioning, we would like to first have a big picture of what we gonna do, that is, specify how many sub-parts(volumes) you need for the hard disk. Then we may fine-tune each volume such as adjusting its capacity, type, etc. Bearing all the above considerations in mind, we developed PBD(Partition Bad Disk), an easy to use partition manager. Although the main object of this partitioning software is to isolate bad sectors from created partitions, it can be used as an ordinary but handy partition tool that has overcome the disadvantages mentioned before. In the following example, we use PBD to partition an external hard drive into four volumes.

First, right-click the diagram that represents the HDD, select “split to four parts” option,

Partition Bad Disk
The hard drive is then split to four parts.

partition tool
Right-click each part to assign it to a primary partition or a logical disk(do not pay much attention to their difference, PBD will take care of it. In this case we assign the first two blocks to primary partitions and the last two blocks to logical disks.)

partition software

partition hard drive

You can adjust the properties (such as size) of these HDD partitions in the partition list below.

create hdd partition

Ok, it is almost done! Just click “Next” button to save the results to the hard drive, and you will see the new volumes in Windows explorer immediately.


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